Biomass & vitality

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The map provides continuously the reflection of the biomass development of the field crop in the current growing period and indicates vitality differences in the field or between fields.
Crop mycotoxin management

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Besides the information of site-specific disease risks during the growing season, the service includes the mycotoxin related site-specific harvest map. This ensures separate harvesting of the high mycotoxin contaminated and non-contaminated crop areas.
Disease occurence & risk maps

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Identifies areas in the field with a potentially high risk of disease occurrence or field areas already showing symptoms of disease infection and is a prerequisite for site-specific application of plant protection products.
Field potential map

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In the interaction of natural growth conditions and area management, the map reflects the different potential yield zones of the field. It serves as a basis for precision farming based crop management.
Growth map

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Ripeness-Sequence Map

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The harvesting sequence over several fields of one crop type, derived from the respective degree of maturity of a field, supports the farmer in planning the combine harvester deployment.
Plant N-status map

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Captures the current status of the different crop nitrogen uptake in the field and serves as a basis for the appropriate site-specific N fertilization.
Soil moisture map

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Reflects the current soil moisture situation of the topsoil in the field, which the farmer can use to estimate drivability e.g. for seeding and the potential germination duration or the effectiveness of an herbicide application.
Spraying Sequence Map

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Based on the severity of disease occurrence or disease risk of the field, the order of crop protection application among several fields is shown.
Yield potential map & Yield Prediction

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The map shows the site-specific potential yield expectations in the field well in advance of the harvest date, so that the farmer can still intervene if necessary. Together with yield prediction, the farmer gets an overview of his yield expectation at an early stage.
Weed detection map

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The map designates zones for site-specific herbicide application differentiated by the severity of weed growth in the field.
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